avoidanceOfObstacles | EnumerationLiteral
| 0 | Avoidance of obstacles on the roadway. |
driverDistraction | EnumerationLiteral
| 1 | Driver distraction. |
driverDrugAbuse | EnumerationLiteral
| 2 | Driver under the influence of drugs. |
driverIllness | EnumerationLiteral
| 3 | Driver illness. |
exceedingSpeedsLimits | EnumerationLiteral
| 4 | Loss of vehicle control due to excessive vehicle speed. |
excessAlcohol | EnumerationLiteral
| 5 | Driver abilities reduced due to driving under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol levels above nationally accepted limit. |
excessiveDriverTiredness | EnumerationLiteral
| 6 | Excessive tiredness of the driver. |
impermissibleManoeuvre | EnumerationLiteral
| 7 | A driving manoeuvre which was not permitted. |
limitedVisibility | EnumerationLiteral
| 8 | Limited or impaired visibility. |
notKeepingASafeDistance | EnumerationLiteral
| 9 | Not keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front. |
onTheWrongSideOfTheRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 10 | Driving on the wrong side of the road. |
pedestrianInRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 11 | Pedestrian in the roadway. |
poorLaneAdherence | EnumerationLiteral
| 12 | Not keeping to lane. |
poorMergeEntryOrExitJudgement | EnumerationLiteral
| 13 | Poor judgement when merging at an entry or exit point of a carriageway or junction. |
poorRoadSurfaceCondition | EnumerationLiteral
| 14 | Poor road surface condition. |
poorSurfaceAdherence | EnumerationLiteral
| 15 | Poor road surface adherence. |
undisclosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 16 | Undisclosed cause. |
unknown | EnumerationLiteral
| 17 | Unknown cause. |
vehicleFailure | EnumerationLiteral
| 18 | Malfunction or failure of vehicle function. |
other | EnumerationLiteral
| 19 | Other than as defined in this enumeration. |